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Make a Difference

Your contribution is needed now more than ever to ensure that our program can further reach families in need. 

Carter's Epiphany is funded through grants from private and corporate donors. Our goal is to raise one million dollars to support the military and inner-city families, and underserved communities in reaching their true potential.

As a single parent, my whole world flipped upside down when my son became a teen. I was forced to change my parenting style, but I had no clue how, until I met Debra Carter-Kelly!


I took her entire course in Redirecting Children's Behavior  (RCB) which taught me how to parent with "the end in mind." This concept helped me to prioritize my battles, and learn to let go of my fears to give my son the freedom he needed to grow into the healthy-thriving young man that he is today! 


I highly recommend the LifePoint curriculum to everyone willing to make a positive change in their lives.  

 --- Cristina, Community and Economic Development Consultant

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